What is your role?
I am the vice president here and joined the Kohl Family Farm to assist with all levels of operations from growing to financials. Working with the team at the ranch we incorporate global best practices and constantly analyze ways to innovate, improve and cultivate.
Can you tell something about the region where your farm is located?
The Coachella Valley in Southern California has a naturally ideal environment to grow high-quality dates – abundant sunshine, the right soil, and pristine water from the Colorado River.
Why and when did you go organic?
As mentioned we have always followed organic practices but we received our formal certification in 2011. We believe in sustainability, quality, purity and only using the most natural resources.
What do you see as the benefits of organic farming now?
Our priority is to keep the soil, water, trees and dates as natural and healthy as possible. When growers use harsh chemicals on the weeds, it affects the entire farm environment in a negative way. A little extra work and innovation allows for a clean and healthier process from palm to table.
Do you have any special plans for the (sustainable) future that you can tell us about?
We work with equipment manufacturers and the Air Quality Management District to get the cleanest and safest vehicles for our farm. We build irrigations systems that maximize water efficiency through drip irrigation, reservoirs and technology. The ranch is looking to join causes and programs that further support regenerative organic farming methods.