An initiative of

Hugo Sanchez

Patagonian Fruit

Hi, I'm Hugo Sanchez and together with my son Nicolas I grow organic apples and pears for Nature & More in Argentina in the Rio Negro Valley.

The Rio Negro valley has always had an ideal climate for apple and pear production. The climate combined with fertile soil, a protective valley and the two rivers make it a perfect fruit growing region.  However, production only really expanded in 1922 when the railroad was constructed and markets could be reached.  Many of the original packing houses where build next to the railroad to ensure a smooth transition by train to the Buenos Aires port.

The farms of Patagonian Fruits actually comprise several orchards totalling about 600 ha located in the province Rio Negro at the northern edge of Patagonia in Argentina. Patagonia is a geographic region containing the southernmost portion of South America: mostly located in Argentina and partly in Chile. The name Patagonia comes from the word Patagon: a mythical race of tall people living on the coastline of Patagonia.

Most of the Patagonian orchards are between 20 and 30 ha in size and are separated from each other by a row of poplars that serve as windbreaks. The Patagonian farms are mostly family owned. Each farmer takes his own responsibility for the orchard, the fruits and the employees. Patagonian assists them with harvest equipment and logistics. Furthermore, to realize great tasting, beautiful fruit, the company sends quality managers to the orchards to assess and assist where necessary.  Some larger orchards are owned by myself, Hugo Sanchez,  along with Patagonian Fruits. These orchards are coordinated by myself and I live with my family at one of the farms.

The harvest season runs from January through to March and during this period we employ around 400 people at the Patagonian farms and in the packing stations. The permanent staff, about 100 employees, are people who live with their families on the farms or nearby in the village.

About the taste of Hugo's apples:
"Hi, I just discovered the small label on the side of an organic apple I was about to eat that I purchased from my local Tesco store. I think this is a great idea, connecting people and the growers. I have to say these apples are absolutely amazingly tasty, and being organic is always a good thing. Thanks, organic farming is the future."
Posted by DAVID from SCOTLAND at Jun 03, 2011 12:11 PM


Interview with Nicolas Sanchez and priest Padre Javier

Nicolas, what do you like best about the profession of organic fruit grower?
‘I love all of the aspects of my work, but I like walking through the orchard and looking at the fruit and the trees best. Our family has had fruit orchards here for several generations, so I learned all about the fruit growing trade from childhood, went to college in Buenos Aires and came to work full-time in my father's company when I was 27.

How did you arrive at organic cultivation?
‘Our family decided to change to organic cultivation about fifteen years ago because we were no longer happy using chemicals. We now use large amounts of compost to keep the soil fertile and work with nature as much as we can. We never need to spray.’ 

About the Patagonian Desert Project
One of the best projects Eosta supports with the ‘1 Cent for the Future’ is priest Javier Aguirre’s desert project in Argentina. This Catholic priest (who was ordained by Pope Francis) has taken the fate of the Mapuche minority in Patagonia to heart. From the church, he helps 15 needy villages located in the desert south of Agro Roca in various ways. Nicolas and Hugo Sanches have supported this project for years.

Nicolas, how did you become involved in Padre Javier’s project?
‘Padre Javier married me and my wife Josephine two years ago, and it started when he asked if we could spare some fruit. Gradually we came to do more and more, and today we support Padre Javier’s desert project both financially and practically. Josephine and me help to collect clothing, and we are very happy that Eosta contributes to the project financially.’ 

Padre Javier, what is the reason for the villages in the desert being so poor?
‘They have a special history. Originally the Mapuches are a people of cattle breeders from Chile who were drawn by the giant herds of free-ranging cows in the north of Argentina. This resulted in small settlements throughout Patagonia. They had free reign because for a long time the Argentines left the area for what it was. In the 19th century, however, General Roca conquered the area after which it was colonised. This resulted in the origination of the village of General Roca. In the wilderness south of General Roca, however, small villages inhabited by Mapuches residents remained. They transferred from cows to sheep breeding, but the level of wealth lagged far behind that of the rest of Argentina. There is no Internet, mobile telephones have no signal reception and there is no economic activity except for sheep breeding and the occasional shop. Things took a turn for the worse in recent years as a result of drought which made sheep breeding increasingly difficult. A few years ago, many sheep died after the eruption of the Puyehue volcano and the resulting ashes that swirled around. Poverty is more severe than ever so we are trying to improve the situation.’

What exactly are you doing in the project?
‘The villages are in the desert, where winds are very strong and nights extremely cold. In winter, temperatures drop to 20 degrees below zero, so we handed out dozens of efficient heaters. They replace the open fires most people traditionally make. This prevents them from having to use wood for fires; wood is very scarce in the pampas. In addition, we planted trees to make the climate somewhat more bearable and we constructed small greenhouses and micro-irrigation for them to grow some vegetables. We also help young people who want to follow a continuation course in Agro Roca and see that they get a house.’

Those are quite a lot of activities!
‘And that is not all! The women of the General Roca parish collect wool they use to crochet warm blankets and they collect and mend clothing. The poorest villagers lack these items. Gifts and food are distributed for Christmas and plumbing or electricity have been realised in some villages. A repair group repairs machines and installations. Every year we visit the villages with two dentists to ensure people have access to absolutely necessary dental care. Very little medical care is available. There is an active youth group that takes the young children in tow,  organises sports days and outings to the big city. All in all, these are a lot of activities!’ 
What a great project! We hope that the situation in the villages will improve.
‘So do we. We are very happy with the support from Europe and would like to thank all of the consumers in Europe who buy our apples and pears and in doing so support the Patagonian Desert Project.’

Recent comments

  • 1 week 5 days ago

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1 Cent for the Future

"We want to say “thank you” not only for choosing our organic fruit but also because you are directly helping us to support a great local project. When one thinks of Argentina, poverty does not immediately spring to mind but unfortunately there are many impoverished regions here including the communities living in the harsh dessert environment of the El Cuy department in the Rio Negro province. Through the Patagonian Dessert Project we have been supporting these communities for many years.  We are now focusing on solar panels which will not only provide electricity for light, radio and loading mobile phones but also to power the water pumps.   For every kg of campaign fruit we sell, at least € 0,01 will go directly to this specific project.  Therefore on behalf of the El Cuy communities we want to say “Gracias”!” 

Warm regards from the Rio Negro!
Hugo and Nicolas Sanchez"

What am I growing?

Geolocation is -39.0267525, -67.57517239999999

Sustainability flower


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Thank you very much for growing organic apples! I bought these apples in Helsinki, FINLAND. Your apples taste very delicious. I always buy my apples organic.


Greetings from Finland.
Thanks for growing organic, great apples!


Hey, Hugo, I am from Denmark and I saw your sticker and I love you. see ya.

Michigan, USA

Thank you, for showing us your Apple and Pear Trees. I brought your apples from Meijers in Woodhaven Michigan and they are delicious!


I have just enjoyed one of your delicious apples and I will look for your sticker next time I am shopping fruit.


Just bought your organic apples at Albert Heijn and they taste really great! What a great initiative with the stickers to find where these wonderful apples actually came from :-)




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