An initiative of

Ilenia Nordera


Hi, I'm Ilenia Nordera and I grow organic kiwi's, pumpkins, pears and apples in the north of Italy, together with my group Bionorde. Bionorde represents a number of organic fruit and vegetable growers located in the Verona area here in Italy. The idea behind Bionorde is basically a “union of powers” meaning that by working together we are in a better position to meet the needs of the modern consumers.

Hi,I'm Ilenia Nordera and I grow organic kiwi's, pumpkins, pears and apples in the north of Italy, together with my group Bionorde. Bionorde represents a number of organic fruit and vegetable growers located in the Verona area here in Italy. The idea behind Bionorde is basically a “union of powers” meaning that by working together we are in a better position to meet the needs of the modern consumers.

In the year 2000, together with my dad Flavio, brother Daniele and my aunt Franca, we set up our own organic farm. Today the farm covers over 15 hectares and is split into 4 allotments. 2 allotments are used as a nursery for young plants and trees and on the remaining land we grow different varieties of organic apples and pears as well as peaches, kiwis and pumpkins.

Our farm also has a special warehouse where we select, clean, process, pack, cool and store these wonderful products.

In 2003, together with my dad Flavio and my cousin Chiara we started Bionorde. The company basically trades in high quality organic fruit and vegetables grown in the Verona region. The idea behind Bionorde is basically a “union of powers” meaning that by working together we are not only more efficient but just as important we are in a better position to meet the needs of the modern organic consumer.


N&M: What is the idea behind Bionorde ?

Ilenia: Bionorde has numerous goals.  First and foremost we want to promote and develop new, interesting and heirloom varieties of  organic apples, pears, kiwis, peaches and pumpkins.  One of our success stories has been the introduction to Italy of the well known Royal gala, Tenroy, Delbarestival, Delcorf, Festival, Delorgoue apple varieties.


Why the fascination for such special varieties ?

Flavio: For most of my working life, I have been involved in the field of fruit and plant nurseries, experimenting with new, more disease resistant varieties.  The combination of my experience, passion for organic agriculture and the fact that consumers are looking for new tasty alternatives to the standard apple or pear is the reason why we have gone down this path.


N&M in what other way do you collaborate with other local organic growers ?

Flavio: To be honest I see these growers more as friends and we help each other out with technical assistance and advice regarding planting, harvesting and keeping the plants and the trees healthy.  Our aim is to support local organic agriculture here in Verona and to learn from each other and share this important knowledge. Furthermore, we also make sure that the certifications are up to date and fully in order.

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South Africa

Being a retiree, I never thought much about digital currencies until a friend introduced me to Bitcoin. I decided to try my hand at mining and airdropping and managed to accumulate a fair amount of coins of various kinds. I saved my decryption key on a USB drive, figuring it was the safest place. I recently found out my coins have appreciated running into hundreds of thousands of Australian Dollars. I was thrilled and ready to cash out. However, when I looked for the USB drive, it was nowhere to be found. I tore my house apart searching for it but to no avail. In desperation, I searched online for a solution and stumbled upon Cyber Genie Hack Pro. They provided a solution to my task which was programming a tool solely for my device, the tool claimed it could recover lost decryption keys. With nothing to lose, I downloaded the tool and followed the clear instructions. The program created by Cyber Genie Hack Pro scanned my computer and sourced out all passwords ever logged in on that system for years. After several hours, it provided a list of potential keys. I was skeptical but tried each one. To my amazement, one of the keys worked, and I could access my Blockchain account again. Thanks to Cyber Genie Hack Pro. I retrieved my coins. This experience has been a huge relief and has given me a new appreciation for technology. I’m now more careful with my important information and have a much brighter financial future.
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Лжеброкер Esperio потратился на приличный нешаблонный сайт и платные отзывы. Значит, пришёл разводить людей всерьёз и надолго. Такие мошенники опаснее топорно выполненных однодневок, однако изучение их базовой юридической информации позволяет своевременно опознать лохотрон.
Как проверить Esperio на признаки мошенничества?
Чтобы проверить компанию на наличие жалоб и эпизодов введения клиентов в заблуждение, воспользуйтесь бесплатным сервисом ВСЯ ПРАВДА. Скопируйте адрес интересующего сайта и вставьте его в форму. Отправьте заявку и получите полное досье о компании. Также рекомендуем обращать внимание на отзывы других пользователей.
Как получить максимум информации о компании Esperio
Если компания надежная, то всю необходимую информацию можно найти в открытом доступе на сайте организации: государственную лицензию на оказание услуг, стаж работы, политику отношений с клиентами. Такие компании доказывают свою надежность сильной репутацией, поэтому обязательно читайте отзывы других клиентов.
Как отличить официальный сайт Esperio от ресурса мошенников?
Чтобы не попасться на поддельные сайты для хищения средств и личных данных потребителей, нужно проверить корректность доменного адреса, наличие протокола https, содержание пользовательского соглашения. Если вы заметили опасный сайт, сообщите о нем на
Как вывести деньги от брокера Esperio?
Надежные поставщики услуг проводят прозрачную политику платежей. Документ со всеми правилами и ограничениями должен быть опубликован на официальном сайте компании. Если предприятие удерживает ваши средства и отклоняет заявки на вывод, получите консультацию по чарджбэку от экспертов ВСЯ ПРАВДА
Как распознавать мошенников самостоятельно?
Обращайте внимание на информацию о компании - она должна быть в открытом доступе и не вызывать сомнений. Будьте бдительными, если вас просят оплачивать услуги наперед или требуют доступ к личным данным. А также относитесь критически к предложениям быстро и легко заработать.
Что делать, если личный кабинет на сайте брокера заблокирован?
Лицензированные брокеры временно ограничивают доступ за нарушение своих правил. Это исправляется отправкой недостающих документов, дополнительной оплаты не требуется. Если же брокер не доказал свой на 100% легальный статус, если начал требовать деньги за разблокировку счета — это признаки мошенничества. Не платите таким компаниям, они просто вымогают деньги и готовятся ограбить клиентский счет, чем и зарабатывают на самом деле. Разблокировать счет у брокера-мошенника и спасти деньги с него можно только с экспертной поддержкой.
Что делать, если сайт брокера не открывается?
Проверьте технические проблемы на вашей стороне, почитайте отзывы других клиентов компании. Если причина закрытия сайта на стороне брокера — это признак скама. Если сайту брокера можно открыть только через VPN — значит, российские провайдеры заблокировали доступ к нему по предписанию надзорных органов за мошенничество. В любом случае важно восстановить доступ к своему счету и вывести деньги от брокера как можно скорее.
Как правильно вернуть отправленные компании-мошеннику деньги?
Борьба с преступлениями — работа правоохранителей, но возвратом депозитов они не занимаются. Вернуть деньги отправителю — это банковская процедура чарджбэк, для которой мошенничество не является основанием. При задаче вернуть утраченное потребуется профессиональная помощь , чтобы использовать chargeback к своей пользе.
Как подать заявление, чтобы гарантированно запустить возврат депозитов?
Его важно составить по всем правилам международной процедуры chargeback. Особую сложность представляет выбор банковского кода из ограниченных вариантов и доказательства соответствия ему. Малейшая неточность обеспечит законный отказ, поэтому пригодится экспертная поддержка экспертная поддержка.
На каком основании можно опротестовать перевод денег с карты брокеру или инвесткомпании?
В нормативных актах перечислены основания для банковской процедуры chargeback: от ошибок по техническим причинам до введения в заблуждение об оказываемых услугах. Для каждого предусмотрен специальный международный банковский код, мотивированный выбор которого стоит поручить профессионалам. Заявку с неверным кодом отклонят.
Финансовая компания работает честно или обманывает: как узнать?
Тщательно изучить все показанные ею документы. Установить их подлинность по банкам данных официальных инстанций. При недостаточности собственных компетенций диагностику можно поручить профессионалам, в т. ч. бесплатно
Как отделить фейковые отзывы о брокере от настоящих?
Обращайте внимание на периодичность публикаций, качество фактуры, хвалебную или более объективную тональность с учетом недостатков. Надежнее всего получить оценку пласта отзывов и самого брокера у экспертов.
Как отличить официальный сайт брокера от подделки?
Стоит как минимум проверить историю доменного имени, наличие клонов и сертификата сайта. В случае затруднений можно делегировать проверку специалистам — краткую экспертизу можно получить бесплатно.

My husband whom I built my life with for 23 years left me and the kids without a word. Everything came crashing down on me and I reached out to our loved ones and no one could help. There came a time he filed for divorce even when we had no issues or ever fought over anything disastrous. Dr Osazu came to my rescue and fixed the problem I had with my man. He reunited us back together again and he returned home to us. Indeed life is mysterious and I never thought I would experience what I did went through but all thanks to Dr Osazu who worked for me and assured me of the positive results after 48 hours which indeed came to pass as he promised. He can as well fix your problems if you contact him now.

crypto asset recovery

Recuva Hacker Solutions specializes in the recovery of lost or stolen cryptocurrency assets, offering a lifeline to those who have fallen victim to crypto fraud. With a team of experienced and certified white hat hackers, Recuva utilizes advanced blockchain analysis and investigative techniques to trace the path of stolen funds. Their comprehensive approach includes assessing the specifics of each case, liaising with law enforcement agencies, and providing legal support to navigate the complexities of reclaiming misappropriated assets.

Recuva Hacker Solutions stands out for their proven track record of successfully recovering stolen cryptocurrency, even in the most challenging cases. They combine technical prowess with a deep understanding of cryptocurrency fraud to track and retrieve lost assets efficiently. Clients can trust in their discreet, professional service and competitive pricing, knowing their personal information is handled with the utmost confidentiality. For those seeking a trusted partner in cryptocurrency recovery, Recuva Hacker Solutions offers expertise, dedication, and a proven path to reclaiming digital assets.
• Website: recuvahacksolution[dot]pro
• Email: recuvahackersolutions[at]consultus[dot]co[dot]site
• Alternate Email: inboxrecuvahackersolutions[at]gmail[dot]com
• WhatsApp: +1,3,1,5,7,5,6,1,2,2,8


I never thought I would fall victim to a crypto scam until I was convinced of a crypto investment scam that saw me lose all my entire assets worth $487,000 to a crypto investment manager who convinced me I could earn more from my investment. I thought it was all gone for good but I kept looking for ways to get back my stolen crypto assets and finally came across Superiro Hack Recovery, a crypto recovery/spying company that has been very successful in the recovery of crypto for many other victims of crypto scams and people who lost access to their crypto. I’m truly grateful for their help as I was able to recover my stolen crypto assets and get my life back together. I highly recommend their services
or whatsapp +14106350697

crypto asset recovery

Recuva Hacker Solutions specializes in the recovery of lost or stolen cryptocurrency assets, offering a lifeline to those who have fallen victim to crypto fraud. With a team of experienced and certified white hat hackers, Recuva utilizes advanced blockchain analysis and investigative techniques to trace the path of stolen funds. Their comprehensive approach includes assessing the specifics of each case, liaising with law enforcement agencies, and providing legal support to navigate the complexities of reclaiming misappropriated assets.

Recuva Hacker Solutions stands out for their proven track record of successfully recovering stolen cryptocurrency, even in the most challenging cases. They combine technical prowess with a deep understanding of cryptocurrency fraud to track and retrieve lost assets efficiently. Clients can trust in their discreet, professional service and competitive pricing, knowing their personal information is handled with the utmost confidentiality. For those seeking a trusted partner in cryptocurrency recovery, Recuva Hacker Solutions offers expertise, dedication, and a proven path to reclaiming digital assets.
• Website: recuvahacksolution[dot]pro
• Email: recuvahackersolutions[at]consultus[dot]co[dot]site
• Alternate Email: inboxrecuvahackersolutions[at]gmail[dot]com
• WhatsApp: +1,3,1,5,7,5,6,1,2,2,8


I would never let an opportunity like this pass me by if I were you. Entrusting my investment with a scam investment sites was the Worse decision I have ever made in my life.

They scammed me 1 BTC telling me I'd get 4 BTC in 3 weeks. I wasn't able to withdraw when the time came, I waited and tried and tried until I came across FreedomHackers who helped me recover my scammed funds and also withdrew the major part of my profit to me. He is trustworthy, reliable and a genius with his recoveries.

If you want this opportunity of a lifetime to get back all your loss, contact the Freedom•Hackers ON via email address:

Review Of The Best Bitcoin Recovery Team Recuva Hacker Solutions

BITCOIN and ETHEREUM RECOVERY EXPERT \\ CRYPTO LEGITIMATE RECOVERY I could remember losing a lot of Crypto to this scammer that owns a fake crypto investment platform. At the beginning, it was a good deal not until he asked me to buy a subscription to enable me withdraw all the Bitcoin and profit that i made on his platform. The amount was much, i was confused and later found out that i was scammed. Well, out of frustration, I contacted a Recovery Expert that helped me recover and refund all my CRYPTO back to me. If you have been scammed, kindly contact the link below to get your money back. Although his services are not free, But he surely know how to do his job and he is fast Email: recuvahackersolutions[at]consultus[.]co[.]site
WhatsApp: +

Refundd Polici Recovery Service

Ik kwam Refundd Polici Recovery Service tegen via een aanbeveling van mijn DCI-schoonzus. Ze had me door een moeilijke tijd zien gaan om mijn gestolen geld terug te krijgen van een lui frauduleus "bedrijf", genaamd VenturaFX. Ze ging door haar politieforensisch onderzoek en dossiers totdat ze op een laatste naam kwam, Refund Polici Recovery Service, die het hoogst gerangschikt is in termen van feedback en beoordelingen na het aanpakken van herstelzaken. Dit was geruststellend, maar ik kon het niet helpen dat ik een vertraging opliep voordat ik contact met ze opnam, ik stuurde een reeks e-mails, stuurde sms'jes op Whatsapp en Telegram op REFUNDDPOLICI(AT)GMAIL(DOT)COM en Telegram: REFUNDDPOLICI. Watsapp-+1.972, 998-2755. We hebben het over $ 252.125 op het spel, dus voor een 54-jarige was dat veel geld voor mij. In eerste instantie leek dit gewoon niet mogelijk. Tenminste, vanuit mijn eerdere ervaringen met 2 andere recoverybedrijven die ik in het verleden heb benaderd. Toen ik zei dat ik schreeuwde, deed ik dat absoluut, want ik ontving een melding van een storting van $ 236.000. Mocht u een probleem hebben met uw fondsen, misschien in crypto of contante fraude, probeer ze dan gewoon uit en misschien is uw getuigenis de verlossing van iemand anders. Blijf gezegend.

Legitimate Crypto Recovery: Cyber Asset Recovery

Contact Cyber Asset Recovery: Crypto and Digital Asset Fraud Recovery Team
In an increasingly digitized world, the rise of cryptocurrency and digital assets has presented new opportunities for investment and financial growth. However, with these advancements come risks of fraud and cybercrime. For those who have fallen victim to scams or fraudulent activities in the realm of crypto and digital assets, the Cyber Asset Recovery team is here to help.
With a specialized focus on fraud recovery and cyber security, Cyber Asset Recovery offers expert assistance in recovering stolen or lost crypto assets. Their team of skilled professionals combines technical expertise with a deep understanding of blockchain technology to trace and recover compromised funds.
Whether you are an individual investor, a company, or an institution that has been affected by crypto fraud, Cyber Asset Recovery provides a reliable and efficient solution to help you recover your assets. Their commitment to client satisfaction, coupled with a transparent and consultative approach, ensures that you receive the support you need during these challenging times.
Contact Info:
Website: cyberassetrecovery .pro
Main Email:
Telegram: @cyberassetrecovery or +1 (501) 725-1653


My recent financial struggles led me to look into internet investing as a way to strengthen my position.But I made an error of putting my trust in uknown people.I was initially informed that I am the only one with access to my accounts and may withdraw my earnings whenever I feel like it,but even though I received some payouts ,it soon became clear that these scammers had gained complete access to my funds,even though i had never shared my password.I invested $1000 at first,expanded my account,and took out $6000 and $4100 in withdrawals.After making a successful withdrawal,i discovered there was a referral incentive,which encouraged me to get my friends to sign up for the site as well.Unfortunately,I was unable to get any money back from this action,thus it backfired.As I was unable to obtain any money this time.They offered justifications and demanded payment for the withdrawal.When I realized how ridiculous the situation was and regretted bringing my pals.I found out that I had $65,000 stuck and my friend had invested $32,000.To get his money back,my friend had to find a different way,and he kept me updated on his progress.He enthusiastically confirmed getting his money back within 48 hours.I called Cyberetrieve a recovery firm that helped my friend,feeling both shocked and hopeful at the same time.They restored my happiness by assisting me in getting my money back.You may also be able to get your money back if you find yourself in a similar circumstance.Contact Cyberetrieve if youd like to retrieve your stolen btc contact info:

London, UK


In an effort to get their lost funds back, victims of bitcoin scams frequently encounter formidable obstacles. Jurisdictional problems and the anonymous nature of bitcoin transactions can make traditional recovery options—like filing a lawsuit or reporting to authorities—more difficult.

Because of this, a lot of victims are left helpless and have little chance of getting their money back. Specialized businesses like GHOST MYSTERY RECOVERY HACKER have arisen in response to this expanding issue, offering customized ways for retrieving cryptocurrency that has been stolen. These businesses help their clients locate and retrieve missing money by utilizing cutting-edge technology and blockchain analytical knowledge.

For those duped out of cryptocurrencies, GHOST MYSTERY RECOVERY HACKER stands out as a ray of hope, providing a variety of services to aid in the recovery process.

Email address.... ( ghostmysteryrecoveryhacker @ )

WhatsApp: +1 (940) 354-3143

Telegram ....... ht tp :// t. me /Ghostmysteryrecoveryhacker


I started receiving alert of cash been transferred from my account immediately I had to rush down to the bank to know what's happening I was told that my funds got wired out of my account using my emails and bank app. I felt like the entire world is about to sink because all my life savings was gone, the bank was unable to trace back my funds, I had to quickly contact my older brother who is also a computer professional he then introduced me to Mr. James who quickly interceded on my behalf and helped me recover all my money and also tracked down the hacker. He was arrested within 48hrs everything came back alive my hope was again restored all hail great Jamesmckaywizard for coming to my rescue please we all need to be careful with who we render help to.. If by any means you are a victim of scam or you lost your bitcoin to any online investor kindly reach out to Mr. James he'll sure never disappoint: jamesmckaywizard at gmail dot com or via what'sapp // +31622647750..

United States

I had a terrifying encounter with a dishonest Canadian investment organization a week ago,which left me really upset.After depositing CAD96,700 with this company,I found out that I had been duped.I was in a dire situation when the scam firm vanished with my money,so my early attempts to get my money back were met with difficulty.I started looking for a solution since I felt helpless and thought maybe someone could help me get the money back.At that point,I discovered CYBERETRIEVE.I was sceptical when I first got in touch with them,but their polished demeanor soon gave me hope again.With swift action,CYBERETRIEVE was able to retrieve the entire CAD96,700 that I had originally deposited. Surprisingly,this healing was completed just a week after my initial contact with them.Their actions were quite outstanding in terms of speed and effectiveness.I could see that their knowledge and commitment were essential to fixing my problem.I gained a lot of knowledge about investment and the value of due diligence during the healing process.My viewpoint on internet investing has drastically changed as a result of my involvement with CYBERETRIEVE.I now realize how crucial it is to carefully consider every investment offer before making a financial commitment.Even though it was expensive,this lesson has been very helpful in directing my future financial decisions.In addition to assisting me in getting my stolen money back,CYBERETRIEVE gave me vital knowledge about scams and investing.Their support extended beyond merely retrieving the money;they taught me how to steer clear of those kinds of situations in the future.I wholeheartedly urge anyone who finds themselves in a circumstance like mine to get in touch with CYBERETRIEVE.They gave me a sense of security during a trying period and showed an amazing ability to handle complicated recovery procedures.Their assistance was crucial in helping me get out of my situation and get my money back.I found CYBERETRIEVE to be a comforting and instructive experience.They were really helpful in getting my money back from a dishonest investment company.I really value their professionalism,efficiency,and competence,and I would suggest them to anyone in need of assistance of a similar nature.CYBERETRIEVE is a useful tool if you need to recover money that has been stolen.Their contact info is:


How much longer will you have to wait for the recovery of your stolen funds?How many recovery specialists have you contacted in an attempt to get your stolen money back?As a victim of a fraud,I also lost $456k in cryptocurrency to a phony bitcoin broker.Regaining what I had lost wasn't simple,but it was possible,particularly after reading a review about CYBERETRIEVE.I received assistance when I contacted them at,which is their official email address.Other contact information are:


Thank you RED CYBER HACKER For having a professional team, patience, and support have been instrumental in our journey. Your introduction to the world of cryptocurrency recovery has not only empowered us but has also led to our recent home purchase, A testament to the success we’ve achieved together in getting the huge amount of money we had lost in the hands of fraudsters. Thank you for having a dedicated and professional team in your company and a friend on this incredible journey. We are forever grateful for the joy you’ve brought into our lives, I recommend anyone who lost their investment in cryptocurrency to fraud trust RED CYBER HACKER To recover all your lost investment.


WhatsApp: +1 945 206 0711


How much longer will you have to wait for the recovery of your stolen funds?How many recovery specialists have you contacted in an attempt to get your stolen money back?As a victim of a fraud,I also lost $456k in cryptocurrency to a phony bitcoin broker.Regaining what I had lost wasn't simple,but it was possible,particularly after reading a review about CYBERETRIEVE.I received assistance when I contacted them at,which is their official email address.Other contact information are:

If you have lost money investing in a fraudulent organization and feel that you should be reimbursed for your losses, you may want to pursue legal action.

If you have lost money investing in a fraudulent organization and feel that you should be reimbursed for your losses, you may want to pursue legal action. The organization, CIPHER BLADE, provides trustworthy services in the areas of money retrieval and scam company investigations. Their financial fraud specialists have years of expertise recovering monies from fraudulent businesses. They have a group of private investigators and attorneys at their disposal that can assist you get your money back by gathering proof in your favor. If you have already put money into a plan and you want your money back, you should get in touch with them as soon as possible. Contact them on their telegram:@cipherbladerecoveryltd


Contact info:
Main Email: cyberassetrecovery1{at}outlook{dot}com
Telegram: {at}cyberassetrecovery or +1 5 0 1 7 2 5 1 6 5 3
In the bustling metropolis of New York, amid the endless rush and ceaseless motion, lies a tale of resilience and redemption. I am Miss Jason Tootle, a 50-year-old medical-surgical nurse hailing from London, United Kingdom, now residing in the heart of New York City with my two beloved children. Our journey took an unexpected turn when we fell victim to a nefarious cryptocurrency investment fraud, a sinister scheme that stripped us of $417,000 in both USD and Bitcoins, leaving us in a state of profound despair and financial turmoil. However, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of Cyber Asset Recovery, a beacon of light in our darkest hour. Cyber Asset Recovery is not just an organization but a lifeline for those ensnared in the treacherous web of cryptocurrency scams. With their unparalleled expertise in cybersecurity and unwavering commitment to justice, they embarked on a mission to reclaim what was rightfully ours. From the moment we reached out to Cyber Asset Recovery, we were met with compassion, and a steadfast determination to right the wrongs perpetrated against us. Their team of experts worked tirelessly, leveraging their extensive knowledge of digital forensics and cutting-edge technology to trace the elusive trail of our stolen funds. What truly sets Cyber Asset Recovery apart is its technical prowess and unwavering dedication to its clients’ well-being. Throughout the recovery process, they provided us with regular updates, guiding us with patience and empathy through the complexities of cryptocurrency retrieval. They understood not only the financial ramifications of our loss but also the emotional toll it had taken on our family. In a testament to their integrity and commitment to justice, Cyber Asset Recovery recovered all of our lost funds and ensured that those responsible for perpetrating the fraudulent scheme were held accountable. They meticulously gathered evidence and collaborated with the appropriate authorities, ensuring that justice was served and preventing others from falling victim to similar scams in the future. The impact of Cyber Asset Recovery’s intervention extends far beyond the realm of financial restitution; it restored our faith in humanity and reaffirmed that, even in the face of adversity, some will stand by your side and fight for what is right. They didn’t just recover our cryptocurrency; they restored our hope for a brighter tomorrow. To anyone who finds themselves entangled in the complex world of cryptocurrency fraud, I wholeheartedly recommend Cyber Asset Recovery. Their unwavering dedication, unparalleled expertise, and genuine compassion make them a beacon of hope for those in need. Trust in Cyber Asset Recovery, and let them guide you on the path to redemption. In a world fraught with uncertainty, they are the steadfast ally you need by your side.

united states

How to Recover Stolen Bitcoin and Crypto with Bitsquery Web Retriever
After losing $64,100 in Bitcoin to a fraudulent trading site, I was devastated and ready to give up on cryptocurrency entirely. During my search for solutions, I came across a mention of Bitsquery Web Retriever as a possible way to recover stolen crypto.

Though I was skeptical at first—having encountered numerous scams—I decided to give Bitsquery Web Retriever a try. To my immense relief, they turned out to be a legitimate service. They successfully recovered my stolen Bitcoin, which restored my trust in the process.

If you need to recover stolen Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, I highly recommend Bitsquery Web Retriever. They were instrumental in helping me get my funds back. You can reach them via Email: bitqueryretrieverhacker [@] bitquery [.] co [.] site or visit their website at Website: www [.] Bitsquerywebretriever [.] xyz


I consulted hackerspynet1 when I was involved in a bitcoin trading scam. It was unknown to me that there were systematic ways to retrieve scammed funds.
I came across a business website who promised a huge return on investment. I was so convinced. The website was good and after all the convincing, I ended up depositing 15,000 USD, unfortunately, I fell into the wrong hands.
I was really devastated until I sent an email to an expert who came highly recommended - hackerspynet1 @gmail com
I gave him all the information about the events, and within a few working days, they restored 85% of my BTC back to my wallet. I was shocked and glad at the same time. With trustworthy people like hackerspynet1 I can 100% guarantee your money will be recovered back.


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My wife had become increasingly distant, her behavior erratic, and she would often go out with friends and return home at odd hours. Her phone was her sanctuary, which she guarded fiercely. I had a gut-wrenching feeling that she was being unfaithful, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't catch her in the act. That's when I stumbled upon Grayhathacks Contractor, a team of professional hackers who specialize in investigating matters of infidelity.
The process was swift and straightforward. They requested some basic information about Rachel's phone and her daily routines, which I provided with a heavy heart. I had to be meticulous in my details, describing her habits such as her favorite coffee shop where she'd often go to 'work' on her laptop, the secret password she used for her phone among other details.
Their service was impeccable. Within a few hours, they had infiltrated Rachel's phone and installed an undetectable spyware that would allow me to monitor her messages, calls, location, and even her social media accounts. The software was so sophisticated that it didn't drain her battery or cause any glitches that would raise suspicion.
The first few days were agonizing as I waited for any signs of deceit, but the evidence I gathered was chilling. She had been meeting her ex-boyfriend, at a motel just outside of town. The spyware provided me with the exact dates, times, and even the exact location where they were staying. I could see their flirty texts, the lovey-dovey emojis, and the incriminating photos they exchanged.
But what was most disturbing was Rachel's level of deception. She had gone to great lengths to cover her tracks. She would delete messages and call logs, and even change her phone's settings to prevent any notifications from her ex from reaching her lock screen. It was like watching a masterclass in infidelity, and she had done it all right under my nose.
Grayhathacks Contractor also provided me with a detailed report of her whereabouts. I could see the exact moments she lied to me about her whereabouts, the hours she spent with Michael, and the clandestine meetings she arranged when she thought I was out of town. It was a crushing realization, but I needed to know the truth.
When I finally gathered the courage to confront her, I had irrefutable proof of her betrayal. The look on her face said it all. She had been caught red-handed, and she knew it. The truth was out, and it was disgusting. She had betrayed me in the worst possible way.
The service they provide is not for the faint of heart, but for those who suspect their partner of infidelity and need concrete evidence, I can't recommend Grayhathacks Contractor enough. They gave me the tools to uncover the harsh reality and, ultimately, make the right decision for my life.


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United States

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Dont hesitate to Contact me.

South Africa

I saved my decryption key on a USB drive, figuring it was the safest place. I recently found out my coins have appreciated running into hundreds of thousands of Australian Dollars. I was thrilled and ready to cash out. The program created by Cyber Genie Hack Pro scanned my computer and sourced out all passwords ever logged in on that system for years. After several hours, it provided a list of potential keys. I was skeptical but tried each one. To my amazement, one of the keys worked, and I could access my Blockchain account again. Thanks to Cyber Genie Hack Pro. I retrieved my coins. This experience has been a huge relief and has given me a new appreciation for technology. I’m now more careful with my important information and have a much brighter financial future.
Email: CyberGenie (@) CyberServices (.) C om.

Boston, USA


All you have to do is hand over all the paperwork to the (ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER) and let them do the rest. Recovering your money is as easy as pie.

Hurry and get in touch with ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER, who is actively gathering money back from scam victims. He will assist you with recovering monies from cryptocurrency scams, bitcoin scams, investment scams, mobile spying, and hacking. Email address: Please mention that Wilder Newton sent you to Local Guide when you need his services; since 2011 you can still contact them at:

WhatsApp... +1..2..6..9..3..6..9..5..4..3..6.

Boston, USA


All you have to do is hand over all the paperwork to the (ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER) and let them do the rest. Recovering your money is as easy as pie.

Hurry and get in touch with ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER, who is actively gathering money back from scam victims. He will assist you with recovering monies from cryptocurrency scams, bitcoin scams, investment scams, mobile spying, and hacking. Email address: Please mention that Wilder Newton sent you to Local Guide when you need his services; since 2011 you can still contact them at:

WhatsApp... +1..2..6..9..3..6..9..5..4..3..6.

Boston, USA


All you have to do is hand over all the paperwork to the (ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER) and let them do the rest. Recovering your money is as easy as pie.

Hurry and get in touch with ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER, who is actively gathering money back from scam victims. He will assist you with recovering monies from cryptocurrency scams, bitcoin scams, investment scams, mobile spying, and hacking. Email address: Please mention that Wilder Newton sent you to Local Guide when you need his services; since 2011 you can still contact them at:

WhatsApp... +1..2..6..9..3..6..9..5..4..3..6.

Boston, USA


All you have to do is hand over all the paperwork to the (ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER) and let them do the rest. Recovering your money is as easy as pie.

Hurry and get in touch with ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER, who is actively gathering money back from scam victims. He will assist you with recovering monies from cryptocurrency scams, bitcoin scams, investment scams, mobile spying, and hacking. Email address: Please mention that Wilder Newton sent you to Local Guide when you need his services; since 2011 you can still contact them at:

WhatsApp... +1..2..6..9..3..6..9..5..4..3..6.

Boston, USA


All you have to do is hand over all the paperwork to the (ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER) and let them do the rest. Recovering your money is as easy as pie.

Hurry and get in touch with ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER, who is actively gathering money back from scam victims. He will assist you with recovering monies from cryptocurrency scams, bitcoin scams, investment scams, mobile spying, and hacking. Email address: Please mention that Wilder Newton sent you to Local Guide when you need his services; since 2011 you can still contact them at:

WhatsApp... +1..2..6..9..3..6..9..5..4..3..6.

Boston, USA


All you have to do is hand over all the paperwork to the (ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER) and let them do the rest. Recovering your money is as easy as pie.

Hurry and get in touch with ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER, who is actively gathering money back from scam victims. He will assist you with recovering monies from cryptocurrency scams, bitcoin scams, investment scams, mobile spying, and hacking. Email address: Please mention that Wilder Newton sent you to Local Guide when you need his services; since 2011 you can still contact them at:

WhatsApp... +1..2..6..9..3..6..9..5..4..3..6.

Boston, USA


All you have to do is hand over all the paperwork to the (ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER) and let them do the rest. Recovering your money is as easy as pie.

Hurry and get in touch with ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER, who is actively gathering money back from scam victims. He will assist you with recovering monies from cryptocurrency scams, bitcoin scams, investment scams, mobile spying, and hacking. Email address: Please mention that Wilder Newton sent you to Local Guide when you need his services; since 2011 you can still contact them at:

WhatsApp... +1..2..6..9..3..6..9..5..4..3..6.

Goede dag iedereen, ik breng jullie allemaal goed nieuws!

Goede dag iedereen, ik breng jullie allemaal goed nieuws!
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How I Got My Lost Money Back with Help from Ultimate Hacker Jack

Hello everyone. I would like to thank ULTIMATE HACKER JACK for his help in returning my $790,000,000 worth of cryptocurrency that had been stolen. Despite my skepticism, it worked and I got my money back. I had given up on ever receiving my money back from those shady companies that offered internet investments, so I'm really glad I found them. This is their email address.

Email address:
Whatsapp: +44 7..7..6..5..2..4..9..1..4..5.

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