An initiative of

Ilenia Nordera


Hi, I'm Ilenia Nordera and I grow organic kiwi's, pumpkins, pears and apples in the north of Italy, together with my group Bionorde. Bionorde represents a number of organic fruit and vegetable growers located in the Verona area here in Italy. The idea behind Bionorde is basically a “union of powers” meaning that by working together we are in a better position to meet the needs of the modern consumers.

Hi,I'm Ilenia Nordera and I grow organic kiwi's, pumpkins, pears and apples in the north of Italy, together with my group Bionorde. Bionorde represents a number of organic fruit and vegetable growers located in the Verona area here in Italy. The idea behind Bionorde is basically a “union of powers” meaning that by working together we are in a better position to meet the needs of the modern consumers.

In the year 2000, together with my dad Flavio, brother Daniele and my aunt Franca, we set up our own organic farm. Today the farm covers over 15 hectares and is split into 4 allotments. 2 allotments are used as a nursery for young plants and trees and on the remaining land we grow different varieties of organic apples and pears as well as peaches, kiwis and pumpkins.

Our farm also has a special warehouse where we select, clean, process, pack, cool and store these wonderful products.

In 2003, together with my dad Flavio and my cousin Chiara we started Bionorde. The company basically trades in high quality organic fruit and vegetables grown in the Verona region. The idea behind Bionorde is basically a “union of powers” meaning that by working together we are not only more efficient but just as important we are in a better position to meet the needs of the modern organic consumer.


N&M: What is the idea behind Bionorde ?

Ilenia: Bionorde has numerous goals.  First and foremost we want to promote and develop new, interesting and heirloom varieties of  organic apples, pears, kiwis, peaches and pumpkins.  One of our success stories has been the introduction to Italy of the well known Royal gala, Tenroy, Delbarestival, Delcorf, Festival, Delorgoue apple varieties.


Why the fascination for such special varieties ?

Flavio: For most of my working life, I have been involved in the field of fruit and plant nurseries, experimenting with new, more disease resistant varieties.  The combination of my experience, passion for organic agriculture and the fact that consumers are looking for new tasty alternatives to the standard apple or pear is the reason why we have gone down this path.


N&M in what other way do you collaborate with other local organic growers ?

Flavio: To be honest I see these growers more as friends and we help each other out with technical assistance and advice regarding planting, harvesting and keeping the plants and the trees healthy.  Our aim is to support local organic agriculture here in Verona and to learn from each other and share this important knowledge. Furthermore, we also make sure that the certifications are up to date and fully in order.

Recent comments

  • 1 hour 25 min ago


    Now, let's talk about our hero in this story – Adware Recovery Specialist It is truly amazing what you can achieve with the right information. I’m truly grateful for the service of Kevin M hacker and his recovery team, which was able to recover my cryptocurrency funds from fake investment accounts. Losing $218,000 of my hard-earned money was excruciating and devastating when I thought I could earn more from investing in cryptocurrency, not knowing that I had fallen for a scam. I was able to contact Kevin M hacker and his recovery team, when I did my research online and came across Kevin M hacker and his recovery team. net I saw that Kevin M hacker and his recovery team, has been helping many victims like me to recover their funds. I'm truly grateful for their service and I commend them for being professional and trustworthy. Get in contact with these gurus Adware Recovery Specialists for a fast recovery. Email:, Telegram @Kelvinmhacker or WhatsApp via: +1-256-956-4498

  • 1 hour 41 min ago

    The swindle simultaneously served to remind me of how amazing and stupid people can be. I was traumatized by the way a fictitious internet broker made off with my $52,000 USDT while posing as an investment advisor for cryptocurrencies. It was a deeply shocking experience, leaving me at a loss about how to navigate the predicament I found myself in. I needed help urgently, so I began looking for crypto experts who might be able to assist me in recovering my funds. In my search, I came upon various comments and reviews online about recovery services. One name kept coming up: CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN. The comments were overwhelmingly positive, describing how reliable and efficient their recovery services were. Many scammed victims had reportedly retrieved their lost or stolen crypto funds through their exceptional service. This instilled a glimmer of hope in me amidst the confusion and despair I felt. Determined to find a solution, I reached out to CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN through the contact details provided on their website. I was initially apprehensive, as I had been burned before, but their professionalism and the clarity of their communication eased my concerns. I inquired about their recovery process and what steps I needed to take. CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN explained their procedure in detail, outlining the steps they would take to investigate and attempt to recover my funds. After thoroughly reviewing their terms and conditions, which were quite fair and transparent, I decided to proceed with their services. I hired them to take on my case and provided all the necessary information they requested to facilitate the recovery process. The recovery team at CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN was diligent and communicative throughout the process. They kept me updated on their progress and provided regular feedback on their efforts. Although the process was complex and required time, their expertise and dedication were evident. CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN's efforts led to a successful recovery of a significant portion of my funds. This experience was both a lesson and a relief. While the trauma of the scam lingered, knowing that there are competent professionals who can assist in such situations provided some solace. The ordeal underscored the importance of vigilance in the cryptocurrency world and the value of seeking CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN  {EMAIL: cranixethicalsolutionshaven @ post . com OR WHATSAPP: +,4,4,7,4,6,0,6,2,2,7,3,0} when faced with such challenges.

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As I was trading on Bitcoin on the 10th of May 2024, my account was hacked, and my $136,000 disappeared into thin air. In distress, I immediately started looking for ways to recover my lost funds. I went through several ads and came across one for ARGONIX HACK TECH. After thorough research, I noticed that several people had received help from them and were happy after getting back all their lost funds. I personally unboxed several of them, and they confirmed the excellent service they received from ARGONIX HACK TECH. That's when I decided to make contact too. As advertised, I am here to testify that they helped me recover all my $136,000. The sense of loss and helplessness was overwhelming, and I needed immediate assistance. ARGONIX HACK TECH stood out among the numerous options because of their positive testimonials and successful recovery stories. My initial contact with them was met with professionalism and empathy. They understood the gravity of my situation and assured me they could help. From the outset, their communication was clear and transparent, explaining the process in detail, setting realistic expectations, and instilling confidence in their ability to recover my lost funds. Their methodical and well-structured approach demonstrated their expertise in handling such cases. The recovery process required providing all necessary details about the hacking incident, including transaction records and any communication with the hackers. ARGONIX HACK TECH’s team was meticulous in their investigation, leaving no stone unturned. Their technical proficiency and understanding of blockchain technology were evident as they navigated through the complexities of my case. Throughout the process, they maintained regular communication, providing updates on their progress and answering any questions I had. Their transparency and dedication were remarkable, ensuring that I felt involved and informed every step of the way. This level of engagement was crucial in rebuilding my trust and alleviating the anxiety associated with the loss. To my immense relief, ARGONIX HACK TECH successfully recovered all my $136,000. The joy and gratitude I felt were indescribable. Not only did they recover my lost funds, but they also provided valuable insights and tips on how to secure my Bitcoin account against future hacking attempts. Their guidance on best practices for online security was an added benefit that has been instrumental in safeguarding my assets. Their service goes beyond mere recovery; their holistic approach includes educating their clients on preventing future incidents, demonstrating their commitment to long-term customer satisfaction and security. Their expertise, professionalism, and ethical standards set them apart in the field of cyber recovery. My experience with ARGONIX HACK TECH has been nothing short of exceptional. They transformed a distressing situation into a story of redemption and recovery. I cannot recommend them highly enough to anyone who has fallen victim to similar scams. If you have lost money due to hacking or deceitful practices, do not hesitate to contact ARGONIX HACK TECH They are dedicated to helping victims recover their funds and regain their financial stability. My heartfelt thanks go out to the entire team at ARGONIX HACK TECH for their outstanding work and support. Please, everyone should be careful and take necessary precautions to protect their investments. If you find yourself in a similar situation, remember that help is available at ARGONIX HACK TECH
WhatsApp: +1 (206) 234‑9907


Losing your hard-earned Bitcoin or USDT to scams or investment schemes can be an incredibly distressing experience. However, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there is a beacon of hope –Cyber Tech Wizard. This remarkable service stands as a testament to the power of expertise, dedication, and innovation in the realm of cryptocurrency recovery. If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of losing your Bitcoin or USDT, Cyber Tech Wizard emerges as the ultimate solution. Highly recommended by countless individuals who have benefited from their services, Cyber Tech Wizard boasts a team of highly skilled and informed cryptocurrency recovery experts. One of the most common questions that individuals facing such situations ask is, "How long will it take to get my lost cryptocurrency back?" The answer to this question can vary depending on various factors, including the complexity of the case and the extent of the scam. However, with Cyber Tech Wizard , you can be rest assured that every effort will be made to expedite the recovery process without compromising on the quality of service. So, how exactly can you get your lost Bitcoin back from an investment scam? This is where the expertise of Cyber Tech Wizard truly shines. Their team of experts leverages cutting-edge resources and methods to trace and recover misplaced cryptocurrency, even in the most challenging of circumstances. From analyzing blockchain transactions to employing forensic techniques, Cyber Tech Wizard leaves no stone unturned in its quest to reclaim what rightfully belongs to its clients. Cyber Tech Wizard understands the urgency of the situation, especially when dealing with con artists who may disappear with your Bitcoin at any moment. Their prompt response and swift action ensure that every effort is made to recover your funds before it's too late. By entrusting your case to Cyber Tech Wizard , you gain a powerful ally who will relentlessly pursue the recovery of your lost Bitcoin, providing you with the peace of mind you deserve. What sets Cyber Tech Wizard apart from other similar services is not just their technical expertise but also their unwavering commitment to their client's success. They prioritize clear communication, transparency, and integrity in all their dealings, ensuring that clients are kept informed and supported throughout the entire recovery process. if you ever find yourself in the unfortunate predicament of losing your Bitcoin or USDT, Cyber Tech Wizard is your best bet for reclaiming what's rightfully yours. With its highly skilled staff, cutting-edge resources, and unwavering dedication, Cyber Tech Wizard stands as a beacon of hope in the often murky waters of cryptocurrency scams. Don't wait until it's too late – reach out to Cyber Tech Wizard through their Email
here today and take the first step towards reclaiming control of your financial future.


Losing your hard-earned Bitcoin or USDT to scams or investment schemes can be an incredibly distressing experience. However, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there is a beacon of hope –Cyber Tech Wizard. This remarkable service stands as a testament to the power of expertise, dedication, and innovation in the realm of cryptocurrency recovery. If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of losing your Bitcoin or USDT, Cyber Tech Wizard emerges as the ultimate solution. Highly recommended by countless individuals who have benefited from their services, Cyber Tech Wizard boasts a team of highly skilled and informed cryptocurrency recovery experts. One of the most common questions that individuals facing such situations ask is, "How long will it take to get my lost cryptocurrency back?" The answer to this question can vary depending on various factors, including the complexity of the case and the extent of the scam. However, with Cyber Tech Wizard , you can be rest assured that every effort will be made to expedite the recovery process without compromising on the quality of service. So, how exactly can you get your lost Bitcoin back from an investment scam? This is where the expertise of Cyber Tech Wizard truly shines. Their team of experts leverages cutting-edge resources and methods to trace and recover misplaced cryptocurrency, even in the most challenging of circumstances. From analyzing blockchain transactions to employing forensic techniques, Cyber Tech Wizard leaves no stone unturned in its quest to reclaim what rightfully belongs to its clients. Cyber Tech Wizard understands the urgency of the situation, especially when dealing with con artists who may disappear with your Bitcoin at any moment. Their prompt response and swift action ensure that every effort is made to recover your funds before it's too late. By entrusting your case to Cyber Tech Wizard , you gain a powerful ally who will relentlessly pursue the recovery of your lost Bitcoin, providing you with the peace of mind you deserve. What sets Cyber Tech Wizard apart from other similar services is not just their technical expertise but also their unwavering commitment to their client's success. They prioritize clear communication, transparency, and integrity in all their dealings, ensuring that clients are kept informed and supported throughout the entire recovery process. if you ever find yourself in the unfortunate predicament of losing your Bitcoin or USDT, Cyber Tech Wizard is your best bet for reclaiming what's rightfully yours. With its highly skilled staff, cutting-edge resources, and unwavering dedication, Cyber Tech Wizard stands as a beacon of hope in the often murky waters of cryptocurrency scams. Don't wait until it's too late – reach out to Cyber Tech Wizard through their Email
here today and take the first step towards reclaiming control of your financial future.


loli sheila cp pthc

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==> <==

United States

I almost gave up on getting a genuine and real hacker because I’ve been ripped off $755 by Crypto sammers before I was introduced to Spytechacker that helped me build a software that I use to monitor my husband's Facebook messenger , whatsapp and SMS, videos and location information. I’m super excited about the fact that I caught my ex by reading all his messages and even saw him sending nudes to men & women . So if you need his service as well contact him on hackerspytech @ gmail com

I almost gave up on getting a genuine and real hacker because I’ve been ripped off $755 by Crypto sammers before I was introduced to Spytechacker that helped me build a software that I use to monitor my husband's Facebook messenger , whatsapp and SMS, videos and location information. I’m super excited about the fact that I caught my ex by reading all his messages and even saw him sending nudes to men & women . So if you need his service as well contact him on hackerspytech @ gmail com

I almost gave up on getting a genuine and real hacker because I’ve been ripped off $755 by Crypto sammers before I was introduced to Spytechacker that helped me build a software that I use to monitor my husband's Facebook messenger , whatsapp and SMS, videos and location information. I’m super excited about the fact that I caught my ex by reading all his messages and even saw him sending nudes to men & women . So if you need his service as well contact him on hackerspytech @ gmail com

I almost gave up on getting a genuine and real hacker because I’ve been ripped off $755 by Crypto sammers before I was introduced to Spytechacker that helped me build a software that I use to monitor my husband's Facebook messenger , whatsapp and SMS, videos and location information. I’m super excited about the fact that I caught my ex by reading all his messages and even saw him sending nudes to men & women . So if you need his service as well contact him on hackerspytech @ gmail com


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Наша компания предлагает Нержавеющие сетки ТУ 14-4-167-91 производства Северсталь метиз ОСПАЗ со склада
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If you are looking for the latest hacking updates to bypass the security system of your partner, girlfriend, boyfriend, wife or husband then you have come to the right place. If you have tried other hackers and they could not bypass the latest security upgrade, then you should know that they do not have the latest hacking updates. You should not waste your time and you should think see through my proposal because this is a new update, and it has 100% assurance that it will work. I can help you gain access into your partners cell phone emails and PC with my latest updates which can bypass the current security upgrade on all IOS and Android devices. Just contact me via spyhackelite @gmail com and i will put you through the whole process. Regards and i would be glad if you refer my proposal to my future clients


hackerone975 @ gm ail com is your solution when your phone falls victim to hacking. With their expertise in data recovery and advanced detection techniques, they provide a reliable and efficient service to help you regain control of your device and secure your personal information. In today's digital age, our smartphones hold a plethora of personal and sensitive information, making phone security a top priority. From financial details to personal photos, the data we store on our phones can be valuable and vulnerable. Protecting it from hackers is crucial to maintaining our privacy and preventing potential loss or misuse of our information. hackerone975 @ gm ail com is a trusted firm to ensure that you are saved from hackers who are out there to steal


Have always thought my husband is cheating on me via WhatsApp which I have always been on his WhatsApp just to catch him red handed yet I didn’t see any trace of him cheating until I came in contact with hackrontech @gmail com after the phone hack this hacker did for me I found out that my husband has numerous girlfriends on his snap chat and communicates with them often I was also able to check his deleted text messages and what I saw there was heart breaking. hackrontech @gmail com, am grateful for this powerful results thank you.

United States


I just wanted to take a moment to share my incredible story of recovery and gratitude. As a woman who recently underwent surgery on my kidney, I was already dealing with a lot of stress and uncertainty. But what made it even worse was when I was scammed out of $44,000 in a cryptocurrency investment that promised me a return of $84,000. It was devastating to think that I'd lost all that money and would have to go into debt to cover my surgery expenses. But then I found Jetwebhackers, and they changed everything. They worked tirelessly to recover not only my initial investment of $44,000, but also the promised profit. I was blown away by their expertise and dedication to getting me back on my feet. Thanks to Jetwebhackers, I was able to pay for my surgery without going into debt. It's been a huge weight off my shoulders, and I'm so grateful for their help. I know that not everyone has had the same experience as me, but I want to encourage anyone who's been scammed or is struggling to get help from Jetwebhackers. They're truly amazing professionals who care about their clients and will do everything they can to get you back on track. Thank you again, Jetwebhackers - you're the real MVPs!"

EMAIL:jetwebhackers @ gmail .com

TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers

united state

I was impatient to carry out the necessary research but I wanted to jump on the crypto trading and investment buzz. Unfortunately for me, I invested 84,700 GBP worth of bitcoin with a fraudulent trading platform, I was happy to watch my account grow to 123,575 GBP within a couple of weeks. But I didn't realize I was dealing with a scam trading platform until I tried to make a withdrawal. I made a withdrawal request and noticed my account was suddenly blocked for no apparent reason. I tried contacting customer support but to no avail. I needed my money back at all costs because I couldn't afford to let it go. So I tried all possible means to make sure I recovered my scammed Bitcoin. I did a lot of online searching for help and tried to see if other people had any similar experiences. I stumbled upon a cryptocurrency forum where a couple of people mentioned that they had been through the same process but were able to recover their lost cryptography funds with the help of INFINITE DIGITAL RECOVERY. So I filed a report to their email on and they were able to help me get back all my lost funds within a couple of hours without any upfront payment, I feel indebted to them. Apart from trying to express my gratitude to them once again using this medium, I will recommend anybody who wants to recover scammed bitcoin, stolen cryptocurrency, funds lost to binary options forex, investment, frozen wallet, and any other form of online scam to reach out to INFINITE DIGITAL RECOVERY now.
TELEGRAM: +15625539611


REFUNDDPOLICI is an ideal recovery firm and Alex proved so handy and professional with her service to me during my stolen bitcoin recovery process from the hands of fake celebrity/investment scammers.
The whole process lasted about 72 hours and my funds were found and returned to me.
Don't feel ashamed to reach out to them via the channels-Wasap +1,9,7,2998,2755 / +1.605.9.6.39055 Telegram-(REFUNDDPOLICI) and Refunddpolici AT gmail Dot com if you or your love ones ever find yourself in such situations.

Recovery Bitcoin


I lost more than $250,000 to scammers when I was trying to invest. To make matters worse, I also lost $175,000 in bitcoin while attempting to track down the scammer and recover my money. Eventually, I came across an article online that mentioned a company, so I gave them a shot despite my reservations and was able to recover a respectable sum of money from them. In addition, the scammer's website was taken down and they were apprehended. I mean it when I say you need help. Reach out to these folks.

Email :



You wish to hack or retrieved information via password it's very possible to get it done and do you need to gain access into any database or websites, boost school grade, erased criminal records, DUI, debt profile, hack social media account, spy on your spouse, boost credit score and many more hack services. visit kalfjohnson424 @gmail com

United States


I am a victim of stolen cryptocurrency, and this is how ULTIMATE HACKER JERRY Recovered MY CRYPTO FUNDS. Their comprehensive research of the blockchain, as well as their competence in crypto recovery, convinced me. This company has successfully retrieved stolen cryptocurrency, including bitcoin, from compromised wallets. 

I was astounded at how quickly my crypto wallet was secured and my crypto cash restored to me; I wholeheartedly endorse the services of this reputable crypto recovery business. Contact ULTIMATE HACKER JERRY and be confident that your cryptocurrency/bitcoin funds will be successfully recovered and safeguarded.

Homepage; ultimatehackarjerry. co m 
Text /Call ; + 1 (458) 308 (08 25 
E-mail; contact@ ultimatehackarjerry .c om


I am posting this Testimony of Mr. Thomas (( hackerone975 @gmail com )) as a way to openly thank him for helping me achieve what none of these other hackers could do. It was like a dream come true for me and I am recommending him to anyone that has any hacking issues that needs to be addressed. feel free to contact him for Stolen coins recovery , Facebook, Snapchat, Cloning, Upgrading of Grades, Gmail, Yahoo, Instagram and WhatsApp hacks. Don’t waste your time thinking about these issues, Contact him!!!
hackerone975 @gmail com



Let us show you the art of Ethical Hacking….!

EMERALD HACKS is a financial regulator, PRIVATE investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.
emeraldhacks (.) org (@) gmail (.) com

Stay Safe out there !lili


hackrontech @gmail com, helped me hack into my wife phone under 6 hours with out having physical assess to her phone hacked into my wife text messages,deleted text messages,call logs,viber messages,whats-app messages,Facebook messages and many more this hacker is true and reliable his services are cheap and affordable you all can also contact him for help tell him i refereed you am sure he will help you.

united state

Are you suspecting your partner of cheating or having an extramarital affair? I’ll advice you to get proof first before confronting him/her. As that could result in unnecessary confusion in your relationship or marriage. it’s always advisable to consult a professional hacker to help you get concrete evidence by discreetly getting access to their phone or computer. he has forked for me a couple of times and he never disappoints. he provides Accurate results and can be trusted for 100% privacy and untraceable.
Contact him via spyrecovery36 @gmail com

united state

Why been in a relationship without rest of mind. always feeling like your been cheated on. i have been married for 7 years now but for couple of months i notice some unusual change in my husband activities like late night calls, hiding messages, delete photos and many more but when i try to talk to him about it, he complains i nag a lot so i decided to hire a genuine hacker which i got introduced to Remote spy hacker . After couple of hours with this expert , i was able to gain access to my partner phone without any physical touch . i got to see his hidden messages, social media, gallery , call recordings and more. anyone in need of a genuine hacker can reach out to [ Remote spy hacker @ g(m)ail . c0m ]


A vary big thanks to hack4techspy @gmail com for their commendable reciprocate to the job i anxiously paid, I got the email address on the net web when i needed to hack my husband cell phone he helped me within few hours with whatsApp hacking, giving me access to his encrypted files/documents folder and call logs. All of my disturbing thoughts for his unexplained activities and odds behaviors of my partner wasn't a mistake. thanks for your helpful service and well finished job. write to him via hack4techspy @gmail com if you're facing similar or any other related issues for possible solutions. thanks


In Need Of a Hacker Urgently! Then i recommend ( SPYRECOVERY36 @ gm ail c om ) for quick responds and quality service. I have been using them for years and they have never dissappointed me. I was scammed some months ago $24,250 for crypto investment. i became a debtor, i tried so many hackers to help me recover my funds but yet i still got scammed by the hackers. None of them could get the job done after i made payment for the service. i was in deep pains not till my cousin suggested i try ( SPYRECOVERY36 @ gm ail c om ) that helped her retrieve her lost files and facebook account. i gave it a thought and texted him, He responded so quick. I told him what i need and in couple of hours after the process the job was done. He helped me recover the complete money that was scammed from me. i feel i haven't appeciated you the way i should but the best way i can is to post your good works in my life. This is how i met him and he has been the one doing all my jobs for me. You can contact him ( SPYRECOVERY36 @ gm ail c om ) if in such urgent need of a good hacking service. He offers other services like recovery of text messages, photos, gm ail account, password, wallet phrase, upgrade university grade and many more..


A vary big thanks to hack4techspy @gmail com for their commendable reciprocate to the job i anxiously paid, I got the email address on the net web when i needed to hack my husband cell phone he helped me within few hours with whatsApp hacking, giving me access to his encrypted files/documents folder and call logs. All of my disturbing thoughts for his unexplained activities and odds behaviors of my partner wasn't a mistake. thanks for your helpful service and well finished job. write to him via hack4techspy @gmail com if you're facing similar or any other related issues for possible solutions. thanks



When it comes to retrieving stolen bitcoin, CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD is unique due to its skill, dedication, and experience. Knowing the ins and outs of the cryptocurrency world, they work closely with law enforcement and utilize cutting edge methods to locate and track down stolen bitcoin. Their exceptional reputation in the bitcoin recovery services industry stems from their individualized approach and unwavering dedication to client satisfaction. My bitcoin was stolen, and although I reached out to several hackers who said they could help me get it back, all they did was take additional money from me in the process. Upon reaching out to CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD for support, all hope was reestablished. I was first skeptical, but CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD eventually managed to retrieve my bitcoin. Thank you very much. contact CRYPTO RECOVERY WIZARD for help to get your ust/stolen funds back and be happy.
Email: hackrontech@


I always bought the idea of investing in cryptocurrency but I didn’t go through the right process and I lost all my money to a fake cryptocurrency investment platform. I didn’t do enough research and I was scammed of my hard-earned money after falling victim to a cryptocurrency investment scam. I made all efforts to get back my money but to no success, I contacted the authorities as well but they couldn’t do anything to recover my funds until I was told about Crypto Recovery Wizard, a cryptocurrency recovery company that has helped other scam victims recover their funds. I contacted them immediately and provided all the necessary information needed to help them with their investigation. Crypto Recovery Wizard was able to recover my cryptocurrency funds and was able to track down those scammers. I’m truly grateful for their reliable and professional service. Crypto Recovery Wizard is the best approach if you want to recover your locked funds, and stolen cryptocurrencies.
Contact Info;
Email: hackrontech@

United States


WARNING: Scammers will stop at nothing to steal your hard-earned money! But, I'm living proof that JETWEBHACKERS can help you RECLAIM YOUR LOST FUNDS! I thought I'd lost my life savings of $37,640 after investing with a fake broker (30 X COIN ), promising me a whopping $370,400 profit to fund my urgent surgery. But, JETWEBHACKERS didn't give up on me. They worked tirelessly to track down my money and recover it. And, after months of intense effort, they successfully recovered my entire investment - $58,000! I'm now able to focus on my health and recovery, knowing that I've been given a second chance thanks to JETWEBHACKERS. Don't let scammers ruin your life like they almost did mine! If you're in a similar situation, don't hesitate to reach out to JETWEBHACKERS. They'll be your champion in the fight against online fraud!"

EMAIL:jetwebhackers @ gmail .com

TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers



Let us show you the art of Ethical Hacking….!

EMERALD HACKS is a financial regulator, PRIVATE investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.
emeraldhacks (.) org (@) gmail (.) com

Stay Safe out there !



The only organization that can truly assist you in recovering your money from internet frauds such as Bitcoin and Crypto Scam is OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS.
Kindly contact OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS in case you have misplaced any cryptocurrency. If you are a victim, who can help you find missing bitcoins or retrieve your bitcoin wallet? Hear my story: bitcoin scams have caused me a great deal of suffering. It reminds me painfully of the $478K I lost after placing a large investment in a fake online bitcoin investment scheme. I called OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, a recovery specialist I located online, and he helped me get my money back. and I was joyful. As a victim, I'll advise you to get

WhatsApp;+44 .

email… optimistichackergaius @


I lost my investment capital and profits trading online, they kept on requesting for extra funds before a withdrawal request can be accepted and processed, in the end, I lost all my money. All efforts to reach out to their customer support desk had declined, I found it very hard to move on. God so kind I followed a broadcast that teaches on how scammed victims can recover their fund through the help of Gavin ray a recovery specialist, I contacted his email provided for consultation, I got feedback after some hours and I was asked to provide all legal details concerning my investment, I did exactly what they instructed me to do without delay, to my greatest surprise I was able to recover my money back including my profit which my capital generated. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back. Contact his or whatsapp +1 352 322 2096

United States

How Do I Recover A Stolen Or Lost Bitcoin

Hello everyone.
My name is jennifer bryner,
I can see a lot of things going wrong these last few days of investing online and getting scammed. I was in your shoes when I invested in a bogus binary option and was duped out of $21000 in BTC, but thanks to the assistance of jetwebhackers. They helped me get back my BTC. I didn’t trust the Hackers at first, but they were recommended to me by a friend whom I greatly respect. I received my refund in two days. I must recommend jetwebhackers they are can contact them via email ( ) or telegram :@jetwebhackers


All you need is to hire an expert to help you accomplish that. If there’s any need to spy on your partner’s phone. From my experience I lacked evidence to confront my husband on my suspicion on his infidelity, until I came across ETHICALAHCKERS which many commend him of assisting them in their spying mission. So I contacted him and he provided me with access into his phone to view all text messages, call logs, WhatsApp messages and even her location. This evidence helped me move him off my life . I recommend you consult ETHICALHACKERS009 @ OR CALL/TEXT ‪+1(716) 318-5536 if you need access to your partner’s phone

United States


WARNING: Scammers will stop at nothing to steal your hard-earned money! But, I'm living proof that JETWEBHACKERS can help you RECLAIM YOUR LOST FUNDS! I thought I'd lost my life savings of $58,000 after investing with a fake broker, promising me a whopping $187,000 profit to fund my urgent surgery. But, JETWEBHACKERS didn't give up on me. They worked tirelessly to track down my money and recover it. And, after months of intense effort, they successfully recovered my entire investment - $58,000! I'm now able to focus on my health and recovery, knowing that I've been given a second chance thanks to JETWEBHACKERS. Don't let scammers ruin your life like they almost did mine! If you're in a similar situation, don't hesitate to reach out to JETWEBHACKERS. They'll be your champion in the fight against online fraud!"

EMAIL:jetwebhackers @ gmail .com

TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers


The most devastating thing happened to me a few weeks ago when I mistakenly lost access to my crypto funds containing the sum of $908,000 in Bitcoin and another $78,000 in Ethereum. I was broken down and traumatized until a close friend of mine told me about HACKER MURRAY Services, a reliable and secure crypto recovery company that offers the best professional service for crypto recovery. I’m truly grateful for the help of Hacker Murray in recovering my funds and giving me access to my lost crypto. I could have never imagined it was even possible to get it back until I came across Hacker Murray. You can reach out to them via their website or contact information below

E-Mail : murrayhacker0@ gmail. com

Telegram: @digitalhacksorg


Lost or forgotten access to your hard-earned cryptocurrencies? Don’t panic! Hackrontech is here to help you recover your forgotten, stolen crypto or fix your cyber problem. Don’t let hackers get away with your hard-earned digital assets, Hackrontech team will leave no stone unturned to ensure you get all you have lost. Let me introduce to the world, HACKRONTECH, a legitimate private investigative and asset recovery company that assists victims of various frauds in recouping their lost money, hacked or scammed digital assets, and more. They are very handy and take their client’s cases extremely personally. This is a personal experience with them that’s why I am putting this 5-star review out here about Hackrontech firm. Customer inquiry mediums of theirs are: hackrontech@
Thank you

United States


I just wanted to take a moment to share my incredible story of recovery and gratitude. As a woman who recently underwent surgery on my kidney, I was already dealing with a lot of stress and uncertainty. But what made it even worse was when I was scammed out of $44,000 in a cryptocurrency investment that promised me a return of $84,000. It was devastating to think that I'd lost all that money and would have to go into debt to cover my surgery expenses. But then I found Jetwebhackers, and they changed everything. They worked tirelessly to recover not only my initial investment of $44,000, but also the promised profit. I was blown away by their expertise and dedication to getting me back on my feet. Thanks to Jetwebhackers, I was able to pay for my surgery without going into debt. It's been a huge weight off my shoulders, and I'm so grateful for their help. I know that not everyone has had the same experience as me, but I want to encourage anyone who's been scammed or is struggling to get help from Jetwebhackers. They're truly amazing professionals who care about their clients and will do everything they can to get you back on track. Thank you again, Jetwebhackers - you're the real MVPs!"

EMAIL:jetwebhackers @ gmail .com

TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers



ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.


ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.


A great hacker is really worthy of good recommendation , Mark Williams really help me to get all the evidence i needed against my husband and i was able to confront him with this details from this great hacker, because i have all his activities divert into my phone and was able to see all his lies for years. to get an amazing service done with the help of hackrontech @gmail com.


I was impatient to carry out necessary research but I really wanted to jump on the crypto trading and investment buzz. Unfortunately for me, I invested 104,700 GBP worth of bitcoin with a fraudulent company. I was happy to watch my account grow to 187,575 GBP within a couple of weeks. But I didn’t realize I was dealing with a scam company, until I tried to make an attempt to withdraw. I made a withdrawal request, and noticed my account was suddenly blocked for no apparent reason. I tried contacting customer support, but all to no avail. I needed my money back at all costs, because I couldn’t afford to let it go. So I tried all possible means to make sure I recovered my scammed bitcoin. I did a lot of online searching for help, and tried to see if there were other people who had any similar experience. I stumbled upon a cryptocurrency forum where a couple of people mentioned that they had been through the same process but were able to recover their lost cryptography funds with the help of EVIL HACKERS RECOVERY. So I filed a report on recoveryevilhackers@ and he was able to help me get back all my lost funds within 1 weeks I feel indebted to him. Apart from trying to express my gratitude to them once again using this medium, I will recommend anybody who wants to recover scammed bitcoin, stolen cryptocurrency, funds lost to binary options forex, investment and any other form of online scam to reach out to : hackrontech@


I was devastated when I lost all my family funds to a cryptocurrency investment platform, I couldn’t withdraw my profits and my initial investment. I thought I had lost all my savings until I did some research and stumbled upon Digital Hackers Recovery. After falling victim to a cryptocurrency investment scam, my family and I were left with nothing after these swindlers stole $212,000 total in USDT and Bitcoins from us. We were so lucky to come across a post about a Digital Hackers Recovery company with plenty of experience in cyber security. Digital Hackers Recovery was able to recover all of our funds, and with the information we provided, they were tracked down and reported to the appropriate authorities. I highly recommend Digital Hackers Recovery for your cryptocurrency recovery. You can reach out to them on Email :

It's good to get help from professionals in Wizard Garry Security. They likely have expertise in digital forensics and could potentially assist in tracing the movement of your lost USDT/BTC and identifying any security vulnerabilities that may have led to the loss. Make sure to follow their guidance closely and provide any necessary information they request to aid in the recovery process. If you haven't already, also consider reaching out to office Gmail { } cryptocurrency exchanges or wallet providers for assistance. visit office Telegram :{+1 513 602 3179} They may be able to provide additional insights or support in recovering your lost funds to fake investments or frozen accounts and wallets.


All you need is to hire an expert to help you accomplish that. If there’s any need to spy on your partner’s phone. From my experience I lacked evidence to confront my husband on my suspicion on his infidelity, until I came across ETHICALAHCKERS which many commend him of assisting them in their spying mission. So I contacted him and he provided me with access into his phone to view all text messages, call logs, WhatsApp messages and even her location. This evidence helped me move him off my life . I recommend you consult ETHICALHACKERS009 @ OR CALL/TEXT ‪+1(716) 318-5536 or whatsapp +14106350697 if you need access to your partner’s phone


All you need is to hire an expert to help you accomplish that. If there’s any need to spy on your partner’s phone. From my experience I lacked evidence to confront my husband on my suspicion on his infidelity, until I came across ETHICALAHCKERS which many commend him of assisting them in their spying mission. So I contacted him and he provided me with access into his phone to view all text messages, call logs, WhatsApp messages and even her location. This evidence helped me move him off my life . I recommend you consult ETHICALHACKERS009 @ OR CALL/TEXT ‪+1(716) 318-5536 or whatsapp +14106350697 if you need access to your partner’s phone


Hello everyone I want to use this Medium to say big thank you to Recovery Nerds for they helped me recover my stolen crypto worth $210,000 through their hacking skills I tried it I was skeptic but it worked and I got my money back, I’m so glad I came across them early because I thought I was never going to get my money back from those fake online investment websites .. you can also contact them via
Whatsapp: +15143122803

United State

my name is Hellen Johnson i,m from washington losing my job was a devastating blow, and just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, I found myself grappling with an even more distressing situation. A week after being laid off, I fell victim to a ruthless cyber attack that wiped out my Bitcoin account, draining it of its £53,000 worth of digital currency. The feeling of betrayal and devastation was overwhelming, as I struggled to come to terms with the magnitude of the loss. The hackers had managed to gain access to my Bitcoin account credentials, leaving me feeling utterly vulnerable and exposed. It was a violation of not just my financial security, but also my sense of trust and privacy. The realization that my hard-earned savings had been plundered by faceless criminals left me reeling with shock and disbelief. In my darkest hour, a friend reached out with a glimmer of hope. They referred me to SMOOTH RECOVERY , a renowned asset recovery team specializing in combating cybercrime. With little left to lose, I reached out to them, sharing all the necessary information about the incident in the hopes of finding some semblance of justice amidst the chaos. To my amazement, the team at SMOOTH RECOVERY sprang into action with unwavering determination. Utilizing their advanced technology and expertise, they embarked on a relentless pursuit to track down the hackers and recover my stolen bitcoins. It was a race against time, but their commitment to helping victims like myself never wavered. Days turned into weeks as the investigation unfolded, each moment filled with uncertainty and anxiety. But finally, after what felt like an eternity, I received the news I had been desperately hoping for – SMOOTH RECOVERY had successfully traced the hackers and recovered my stolen bitcoins. The sense of relief and gratitude that washed over me was indescribable, as I realized that justice had finally been served. However, the assistance provided by smooth recovery didn’t end there. In addition to recovering my lost funds, they also helped me secure my digital access reliably, providing invaluable guidance and support to prevent future cyber attacks. Their dedication to their client’s safety and well-being is truly commendable, and I am forever grateful for their unwavering commitment to helping individuals like myself navigate the complexities of cybercrime. In the aftermath of this harrowing experience, I am filled with a newfound sense of resilience and determination. While the scars of the past may never fully heal, I take solace in knowing that I have the support of organizations like SMOOTH RECOVERY to help me rebuild and reclaim my financial freedom. Contact info; smoothrecovery3



Let us show you the art of Ethical Hacking….!

EMERALD HACKS is a financial regulator, PRIVATE investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.
emeraldhacks (.) org (@) gmail (.) com

Stay Safe out there !llll

United State

my name is Hellen Johnson i,m from washington losing my job was a devastating blow, and just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, I found myself grappling with an even more distressing situation. A week after being laid off, I fell victim to a ruthless cyber attack that wiped out my Bitcoin account, draining it of its £53,000 worth of digital currency. The feeling of betrayal and devastation was overwhelming, as I struggled to come to terms with the magnitude of the loss. The hackers had managed to gain access to my Bitcoin account credentials, leaving me feeling utterly vulnerable and exposed. It was a violation of not just my financial security, but also my sense of trust and privacy. The realization that my hard-earned savings had been plundered by faceless criminals left me reeling with shock and disbelief. In my darkest hour, a friend reached out with a glimmer of hope. They referred me to SMOOTH RECOVERY , a renowned asset recovery team specializing in combating cybercrime. With little left to lose, I reached out to them, sharing all the necessary information about the incident in the hopes of finding some semblance of justice amidst the chaos. To my amazement, the team at SMOOTH RECOVERY sprang into action with unwavering determination. Utilizing their advanced technology and expertise, they embarked on a relentless pursuit to track down the hackers and recover my stolen bitcoins. It was a race against time, but their commitment to helping victims like myself never wavered. Days turned into weeks as the investigation unfolded, each moment filled with uncertainty and anxiety. But finally, after what felt like an eternity, I received the news I had been desperately hoping for – SMOOTH RECOVERY had successfully traced the hackers and recovered my stolen bitcoins. The sense of relief and gratitude that washed over me was indescribable, as I realized that justice had finally been served. However, the assistance provided by smooth recovery didn’t end there. In addition to recovering my lost funds, they also helped me secure my digital access reliably, providing invaluable guidance and support to prevent future cyber attacks. Their dedication to their client’s safety and well-being is truly commendable, and I am forever grateful for their unwavering commitment to helping individuals like myself navigate the complexities of cybercrime. In the aftermath of this harrowing experience, I am filled with a newfound sense of resilience and determination. While the scars of the past may never fully heal, I take solace in knowing that I have the support of organizations like SMOOTH RECOVERY to help me rebuild and reclaim my financial freedom. Contact info; smoothrecovery3



This is the best crypto recovery company I've come across, and I'm here to tell you about it. KEVIN M HACKER was able to recover my crypto cash from my crypto investment platform's locked account. KEVIN M HACKER just needed 24HRS to restore the $620,000 I had lost in cryptocurrencies. I sincerely appreciate their assistance and competent service. HACK ANGEL may be relied on since they are dependable and trustworthy. you can also contact them via Email: or WhatsApp via: +12569564498, or Telegram @Kelvinmhacker, and I’m sure you will be happy you did.

Jeanson James Ancheta wizard CRYPTO RECOVERY

Jeanson James Ancheta wizard CRYPTO RECOVERY
Adequate research is the best thing you can ever do for yourself when you're planning to invest in crypto as the market is very volatile and you can easily lose your money if you invest through the wrong platform. I was very naive and I didn't do enough research before I invested $279,000 of my hard-earned money into a crypto platform called Easy Trade, it felt very real and genuine at the first minute but I realized it was all fake. I thought I had lost everything until I started doing credible research and found Jeanson James Ancheta wizard, a crypto recovery company that has helped many others like me recover their crypto from fake investment platforms. 72 hours after contacting and providing all the necessary information to Spyweb Cyber ​​Security Service, my crypto was recovered completely and I got back my money successfully. I'm truly grateful for the service of Jeanson James Ancheta wizard, their approach is very professional and reliable, and they are very helpful and credible in crypto recovery. I highly recommend them. EMAIL:(jeansonjamesanchetawizard62 AT gmail DOT com) or WhatsApp number: +49 (1521) 9265132.

united state

Get in touch with a professional hacker ( tech ) to help hack your cell phone. Trusted and verified with quick responds and legit services. They offer services like (Cell phone hack , GPS tracker, Delete criminal records, Retrieve wallet, Retrieve Gm ail, face book, whatsApp, photos and many more...), All these services are done remotely, distance is not a barrier. You can reach out with them on ( SPYRECOVERY36 @ gm ail c om ).


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