An initiative of

The line of greatest resistance

In conjunction with Ekoplaza, Nature & More will nudge people into consuming more fruit and vegetables

In 2020, Nature & More and Ekoplaza will enter into a collaboration to persuade people to adopt healthier habits and ensure improved resistance in challenging times. They will do this by emphasising the benefits of eating more organic fruit and vegetables. Under the colours of the Dr. Goodfood campaign, Ekoplaza customers will be nudged towards fresh pomegranates, ginger, sweet potatoes and other products that are high in fibre, vitamins and minerals. The campaign launch date is set for Wednesday 13 May 2020.

Dietician Steffi Haazen, who will be the face of Dr. Goodfood this spring, explains: ‘It is generally and scientifically recognised that eating more fruit and vegetables is healthy. This train of thought leads you to conclude that fruit and vegetables can be considered as preventive pharmacy. A new diet may prove to be the best way to boost your health, so we will encourage people to consume more products that will improve their resistance. This is essential because many Dutch people do not eat nearly enough fruit and vegetables, while they are so tasty!’

Posters, arrows, promotions: this is just a selection of the stimuli used to steer customers into the right direction. Dr. Goodfood – alias Steffi – will welcome consumers at the shop door. Inside the shop, posters indicate the health benefits of products such as pomegranates, mangoes, ginger, avocados, limes and sweet potatoes. Steffi: ‘We are treading lightly in this respect and only using knowledge which has been completely accepted and recognised, and this is actually more than enough to explain and emphasise the health benefits.’

The campaign is a response to a clear customer demand. Volkert Engelsman, CEO of Eosta, the company behind the Nature & More brand: ‘We see that the demand for organic, vegan and other healthy foods has mushroomed. Our organic products can be traced back to the farmers and growers using the 3-digit Nature & More code. Customers can refer to for detailed insight into their impact on people and the planet. In a post-Covid-19 era, we simply cannot do without this integrated sustainability and transparency to ensure public confidence.’

Starting on 13 May 2020, this six-week nudging campaign will be the first of a series of campaigns set for this year to encourage healthier eating. For a health scientific substantiation, dietician Steffi Haazen has compiled a report that extensively discusses the nutritional claims, stating sources. The report is available on request.

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