An initiative of

Eosta cancels all MEATings, please meet François & Antoinette

The Corona crisis has given an unprecedented boost to the demand for resistance-enhancing organic food. Unfortunately, live trade fairs or meetings with customers and growers are being cancelled one by one. To ensure a stable supply, Eosta, one of Europe's largest trading companies in organic fruit and vegetables, is now launching its own online trade fair: the MEATless Meeting Place, starring François & Antoinette. Growers, buyers and product experts can meet each other live on this 24/7, globally accessible platform. And yes, you can really see François & Antoinette.

Of course nothing beats real-life contact, but with 'Eosta's MEATless Meeting Place' the organic trading company has launched an international online platform that in some respects even exceeds the experience of fairs. Live webcams provide a real-time view of Eosta's work floor and the ripening fruit in orchards around the world, such as the mangoes and passion fruit of ProNatur in Peru or the Sekem beans in Egypt. Live conversations and high fives can be exchanged. All of the information about Eosta's product lines, new forms of packaging and eye-catching sustainability campaigns is at your fingertips. And animal lovers can get acquainted with François & Antoinette, who are responsible for our waste-free canteen policy.

“It couldn't be more sustainable," says CEO Volkert Engelsman. “When we meet online, we save tens of thousands of miles in the air and on the road. Moreover, it is an ideal opportunity to meet our vegetarian stars François & Antoinette, so that they don't end up on the BBQ prematurely. The Corona virus is actually enforcing sustainability. The earth is sending out signals. We really need to act in a more animal-friendly, climate-friendly, planet-friendly manner. The new normal is human and planet-inclusive agriculture. There is little room left for monoculture, intensive livestock farming or the pointless transporting of animals and people. Less meat, more fruit and vegetables: healthier, more efficient to feed the world and better for our children. Let's meet, not meat!"

Would you like to visit Eosta's Meatless Meeting Place? Check out: Customers and growers looking to engage with Eosta can book a MEATless Meeting Room.

"To bacon or not to bacon - That's the question"

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