An initiative of

Embrace the new normal: fill half your plate with fruit and vegetables

In the UN International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, Eosta introduces a new communication tool for retail to help consumers eat healthy: the VitaPlate. VitaPlate shows you at a glance whether your plate and shopping trolley are filled with food that is good for you. Half of it consists of fruit and vegetables. VitaPlate is a new tool in Eosta’s Dr. Goodfood campaign, which helps supermarkets nudge their customers in a healthy direction.

VitaPlate was successfully launched in the Netherlands by Eosta and organic supermarket chain Ekoplaza, in more than 70 stores. Eosta is now taking the concept abroad. Eosta developed a range of POS materials to support the use of VitaPlate.

Dietician and author Steffi Haazen created the VitaPlate concept. It looks a bit like the English “Eatwell Plate”, but was designed to be more practical. Steffi explains: “If you take a glance at VitaPlate and then at your own meal or shopping basket, you know right away if you’re on the right track. It’s scientifically undisputed that fresh vegetables and fruit support your health and immune system in many ways.”

Volkert Engelsman, CEO of Eosta: “VitaPlate is the new normal. Corona has made us more aware of the importance of a healthy diet and preserving biodiversity. Viruses like Corona are caused by the systematic degradation of biodiversity. The VitaPlate offers an antidote: it’s organic, diverse and mostly vegetarian. If you eat like that, you will support not only your own health but also the health of the planet.”

More information about VitaPlate can be found on the website In addition to recipes and practical lifestyle tips the website also offers scientific background information. Interested parties are invited to contact Eosta.

Eosta, with Nature & More as its consumer brand, is Europe’s leading distributor of organic fruit and vegetables, based in the Netherlands. Eosta is known for sustainability campaigns such as Dr. Goodfood, The True Cost of Food and Natural Branding. In 2018 Eosta won the royal Dutch award for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (“KWI prijs”) and in 2019 a European Business Award for the Environment.


Monique Mooij, Eosta
T: +31 (0)180 63 55 59 

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