An initiative of

BIOFACH 2021: come listen to our CEO Volkert and let’s meet online!

The BIOFACH tradefair will be held online this year, from 17-19 February. Although Eosta will not be hosting a stand, we will contribute to BIOFACH in many ways. You are welcome to attend one of the three speeches by our CEO Volkert Engelsman, or meet up with us in our own Meatless Meeting Place – featuring our organic pigs François and Antoinette.

Eosta will be present at the following 4 online events:

1: Opening event

17 February 9 - 10 AM: As part of the opening, a video will be shown which illustrates how EOSTA and others are helping to advance the transition to a healthy, fair and organic food system. Where: eSPECIAL livestream 1. Or check our video contribution on the right side of this page!

2: “EU and UK organic regulations: potential impacts on trade with Africa”

17 February 3 - 3.45 PM: COLEACP is organising a webinar / discussion room about the new organic regulations and how they will affect trade with Africa. Eosta CEO Volkert Engelsman will discuss Eosta’s vision and approach. Where: Zoom webinar. More info at

3: “EU Farm to Fork Strategy: Do we have the right ingredients?"

18 February, 9 - 10.30 AM: The EU’s Farm to Fork strategy is aiming for 30% of organic agriculture in 2030. Is that realistic and how can it be accomplished? With: Volkert Engelsman (Eosta), Beate Huber (FiBL), Stefan Hipp (HiPP Babyfoods) and others. Where: eSPECIAL Livestream 4

4: „Preisschlacht oder True Cost: Was führt zu einem enkeltauglichen Ernährungssystem?“ (“Price war or True Cost: what will lead us to a sustainable food system?”)

19 February, 12 - 13 PM: Among five speakers, Volkert Engelsman will be one of the experts giving his view on the role of True Cost Accounting for a healthy, fair and organic food system in the future. Where: eSPECIAL Livestream 3.

Full program of BIOFACH

You can see the full program of BIOFACH at: You can also buy tickets here.

Let’s meet!

Do you want to meet up (for free)? Visit our Meatless Meeting Place and make an appointment:

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