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African avocado's increase incomes of 20,000 Kenyan farmers

Waddinxveen - Organic avocados available in Europe used to be sourced almost exclusively from South America, but over the last few years that has changed. Leading distributor Eosta, based in the Netherlands, is now importing a lot of African avocados from Kenya. The fruits come from 20,000 smallholders who often have only a few trees each, but the premium price for the avocados has helped them to increase their income tenfold. Especially now, since Kenya is plagued by persistent droughts, this is a great help for many farmers.

The typical African Hass avocado is much the same as a typical South American Hass avocado. But if you’re an expert like Neville Mchina, product manager for avocados at Eosta, you can still tell the difference. ‘The shape tends to be slightly rounder. This is due to climatic differences. While Mexican avocados are shaped like conference pears, the African avocado is more like an Anjou pear. But they are equally nutty, creamy, and delicious. They’re fantastic in African guacamole, which is a mix of avocado, mango, onion, and lime. Try it!’ 

Smaller but better
Starting in 2014, East Africa has been plagued by yearly droughts. Eosta’s avocados are grown in the area around Nairobi, Kenya, which is usually blessed with plenty of rainfall, but even that area is now affected by the drought. Luckily for the local farmers, avocado trees are quite drought resistant; lack of water makes the fruits a bit smaller, but it also makes them nuttier and creamier. ‘It’s a well-known fact in viniculture that plants produce tastier fruits when they are put under stress,’ says connoisseur Mchina. ‘They’re higher in phytonutrients and antioxidants as well. The phrase dynamite comes in small packages definitely applies in this case.’ The African avocados are available in size range 22-30, sizes 12-20 can hardly be found.

Tenfold income increase
The export of avocados is improving the lives of small-scale farmers in Kenya, Mchina explains. ‘Many of the growers used to grow food for themselves and for the local market. Now that they can sell some of their produce at a premium price, their income has increased tenfold. What’s even better is that they do it organically, sustainably, and some even in an agroforestry setting. You can really see the difference when you visit them. They are building better housing for themselves, setting up schools, and improving roads. They have taken charge of their new situation, and that is a great achievement.’

Health care in remote areas
‘Access to medical care has also improved,’ Mchina adds. ‘Through our Nature & More 1 Cent for the Future campaign, we are supporting a local medical care project. It pays for trained nurses to visit the ill in remote areas who lack access to clinics. For every kilogram of avocados sold, 1 cent goes to the project! In the course of a year, this amounts to a nice sum – and a lot of sick people receiving help. As a consumer you can really choose the type of world you want to live in by choosing where you spend your money. ’ 

Nature & More is the "trace & tell" trademark of Eosta, international distributor of fresh organic fruit and vegetables. More information: en

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