An initiative of

Eosta, Natural Branding - Sustainable Production & Consumption


In supermarkets, organic fruits and vegetables are usually packed in environmentally unfriendly plastic foil in order to distinguish them from the non-organic alternative. This is important for supermarkets because they want to ensure that there is no misunderstanding at the checkout counter as to whether someone is buying an organic or non-organic product.


As the first in Europe, Nature & More has introduced ‘Natural Branding’ on organic fruits and vegetables in order to saving a mountain of plastic. Natural Branding is a natural, ecofriendly manner of branding a piece of fruit or vegetable. It is a contactless method that is completely safe and totally natural. A high definition laser removes the pigment from the outer layer of the skin of the product and it does not have a negative effect on the taste, aroma or shelf-life of the product

Natural Branding means that products no longer need to be packed in plastic. In addition, customers are helping to reduce the CO2 emissions as labelling and stickers are no longer necessary. Natural Branding and Organic Products are a perfect match as this natural technique not only reduces packaging but also avoids the use of among others, ink, fluids and adhesive.

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