An initiative of

Bio Bullsh*t Bingo

Everybody who works in the field of organic agriculture or sustainability will know that it is not uncommon to receive a barrage of critical questions about your work... “But organic is just one big marketing story”, “But organic cannot feed the world” or “Organic at a discounter? That is not organic.” However, when you work in less idealistic sectors you are seldom confronted with this type of inquisition... rather strange!

Therefore, for everyone working in the sustainable agriculture sector and who recognizes this phenomenon we have developed a special “Organic Bullsh*t Bingo”. Great fun when you have dinner with your future “in-laws”, a meeting with local authorities or if you get caught up in a debate with folks from the “conventional” sector. What are the rules? It’s very simple, just cross off the prejudices from the bingo card as you hear them and once you have a full card you can call out “Bullsh*t  Bingo”... lots of fun for everyone! 


To help you answer all the preconceived prejudices effectively, we have developed a special FAQ.

  1. Yes, but organic cannot feed the world?
    => We don’t know, but based upon our experiences from the last 50 years we do know that chemical farming is certainly not the answer. The positive environmental impacts of switching even only 10% of our land to organic would be immense.
  2. If it comes from Africa how do you know it’s organic?
    => Organic products from Africa are controlled just as strictly by European and affiliated authorities as products coming from the EU.
  3. It’s all greenwashing.
    => Certainly not, organic standards are anchored in strict legislation.
  4. Organic is just too expensive.
    => Every euro you spend today determines what the world will look like tomorrow. Organic is not expensive, conventional is too cheap, if you take into account the huge hidden costs in food and agriculture.  
  5. Organic products sold by discounters like Aldi or Lidl are not really organic.
    => If the product carries the EU organic logo then it is organic, no matter where it is sold.
  6. It is not proven that organic is healthier.
    => Organic products contain less pesticides and numerous studies show that organic fruits and veggies contain higher levels of vitamin C and anti-oxidants. You decide! Furthermore, considering the thousands of farm labourers that fall ill and die due to pesticide poisoning, one can only conclude that for the workers, non-chemical agriculture offers a safer working environment.  
  7. The chemicals used in conventional agriculture are safe in minute quantities, research shows.
    => These studies are based upon individual chemicals and do not look at the “cocktail effect” of combinations of pesticides and what they do in the body. The agrochemical lobbies are (just as the tobacco lobby) very powerful and their focus is on protecting the interests of the producers and not necessarily the consumer. Finally, we are seeing that chemicals that were given a green light in the past are now being taken off the list.
  8. The EU has approved these chemicals so there is no issue.
    =>  Neonicotinoids were also approved by the EU but now we know how disastrous they are for pollinators, insects and birds.
  9. We do not have enough land available to grow organic food for everyone.
    => If we continue to farm with artificial fertilizers and other chemicals we will destroy our soils making it almost impossible to grow food for the global population. See the report "Agriculture at a crossroads"
  10. I don’t want any caterpillars in my salad.
    => The chance is minimal that you will find a caterpillar in your salad as the quality of the products are thoroughly checked. If you do find one, please treat it with care.
  11. Organic from abroad is almost always airfreighted and that is not very sustainable.
    => Not true, almost all organic fresh fruits and vegetables are transported by ship. Furthermore, studies show that the environmental impact of transport per kg of product is minimal compared to other factors such as production and packaging.  
  12. Organic is one big marketing hype.
    => Not true, it is a well-organized and controlled form of agriculture that is also based on specific ideals.
  13. When you grow organic you will have massive crop failures / food waste.
    => Not true, organic farmers rotate their crops, feed their soils and make use of biodiversity, and thus spread their risks.
  14. Some crops naturally produce toxins that are more poisonous than agrochemicals.
    => Sure, that can be the case but we do not put these plant parts in our mouths, yet we do eat fruits and vegetables that have been treated with agrochemicals.

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The Sustainability Flower

The Sustainability Flower is the core of our business. Every Nature & More grower has a personal Sustainability Flower. It points the way to a greener and more social economy. More info here.