Fair trade
Fair trade gives farmers and grower a better price and better trade conditions. This allows them to improve their living circumstances and plan for the future. Fair trade gives consumers the possibility to contribute to fighting poverty through their daily shopping. In the case of certified fair trade production, the fair trade organisation and a comittee of employees usually decide how the fair trade premium (the extra money) is spent.
Organic vs fair
Organic production and fair trade have separate certification processes, although the underlying principles are the same: an ethically responsible food production. There are some organic certifiers that include rules about social sustainability in their certification, like Swedish KRAV. Nature & More's sustainability flower looks at both ecological and social sustainability. For more information about the sustainability flower, see here.
Nature & More and fair trade
Nature & More's pineapples from Costa Rica are certified by Fair Trade USA. Apart from that Nature & More has its own "One cent for the future project" that saves and donates money to social, cultural and educational projects at growers in developing countries who haven't been fair trade certified. Two examples can be found here.