An initiative of

Zongo Adama


Hello, my name is Zongo Adama and I grow organic mangoes for Nature & More in Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast, Afrika. Thank you for buying our fruit!

I am the export manager here at Fruiteq, the exporting company. It was established in 2005 in order to give small mango producers from this country access to the European market. Today we work with five producer organizations representing 1200 farmers from 2 countries (Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast).

This area is one of the best places in the world to grow mango's. They grow everywhere, but of course not all the varieties are suitable for export. A typical organic mango is the Amelie variety, that has a distinctive citrus accent to the taste. Our mango farmers also cultivate cashew nuts, oranges and cereals. The mango is a forest product for us, which grows quite naturally. 

At our warehouse (based near the town of Bobo-Dioulasso around 800 km from the coast) we collect, wash, sort and pack the mangoes. From there we transport them in a cooled container by road transport to the port of Abidjan (Ivory Coast)  from where they are shipped to Europe.

With your purchase you support several projects in the rural area's of our country. One of them is the purchase of equipment for schools and hospitals in the villages of Beregadougou, Ferkessedougou and Doussoudiana. Another is a project for improvements in sanitation and hygiene, including a special training program for women. Thank you for that!

How 'bout taste?
Posted by Kristi, Estonia at May 19, 2011:
"Thank you very much for the yummy mango! :) I am very grateful for being able to eat this delicious fruit here in Northern Europe :) And I am very glad to see, that you appreciate the nature while you grow these yummy mangos :) Thank you and all the farmers.


Interview with Zongo

Why are there so many mango trees in this part of West Africa?

Basically because the conditions are right! Mango trees have always been part of the local farming system as early settlers can claim land by planting different trees such as cashew, mango and citrus.  The trees and the fruit they bear are used for fuel, erosion control and of course for food when the fruit is ripe.  

What are the challenges of growing mangoes in West Africa?

The challenge is not so much growing but much more getting the fruit to the market in the right condition.  Once the fruit is picked they sometimes have to travel more than 100 km over terrible roads before reaching the pack house in Bobo-Dioulasso.  After washing, sorting and packing the fruit once again goes on a long journey southwards to the port of Abidjan and from there are shipped to Europe.

How important is the export of mangoes for Burkina Faso?

It is very important.  Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countries in the world and relies heavily on the export of cotton.  New stable exports particularly from the rural areas is extremely welcome and important.  The problem however is that mangoes can only be harvested and exported for around 3 months of the year.

What mango varieties are grown ?

Actually there are more than 160 different varieties of mangoes that are grown in this part of Africa. Some are better for drying, others for making puree and juice.  Only three are suited for the export and these are the green skinned  typical African Amelie mango as well as the more common Kent and Keitt varieties.

You are here

Find the full report HERE.

One Cent for the Future
I want to thank you for buying our organic mango’s particularly because through your purchase you are directly supporting the children of the town of Bobo Dioulasso. Let me explain, through the Nature & More 1 cent for the future campaign we are now able to buy and install 20 solar panels at two different schools. These panels provide light for the School Yard and for 10 class rooms meaning that 600 children will finally have a safe place to make their homework when the sun has gone down.

This season the 1 cent for the future campaign also served to buy a pump and solar panels. The electricity from the solar panels help to pump water from the borehole to provide clean water to the village.  (See pictures attached). Even they got a small garden because with the pump and the panels they have got more than enough drinking water. This was not imaginable few years ago! Therefore, on behalf of all the children, their parents, the growers and the whole community we want to send out a big thank you to everyone who bought our mango’s.


What am I growing?

Geolocation is 12.2111801915, -1.93359375

Sustainability flower


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